

Systems Theory | Cybernetics | Autopoiesis | Complexity Theory 
edited by:

Systems Theory:
Form, Substance and Difference (from "Steps to an Ecology of Mind") by Gregory Bateson [pdf]
A theory of alcoholism (from "Steps to an Ecology of Mind") by Gregory Bateson [pdf]
Cybernetics :

Complexity Theory:
Complexity and Philosophy by Paul Coates [pdf]
5 Questions on Complexity by Francis Heylighen [pdf]
The Evolution and Development of the Universe by Clément Vidal [pdf]


Algorithmic Thinking | Universal Turing Machine | Cellular Automata | Emergence
edited by:

Algorithmic Thinking :
Universal Turing Machine : Alan Turing : The Enigma The Centenary Edition by Andrew Hodges [html]
Generating architectural spatial configurations. Two approaches using Voronoi tessellations and particle systems by Paul Coates [pdf]
Generative modelling by Coates, Paul and Thum, Robert [pdf]

Cellular Automata as Computing Cosmos:
Calculating Space by Konrad Zuse [pdf]
The General and Logical Theory of Automata by John Von Neumann [pdf]
Theory of Self-Reproducing Automata by John Von Neumann [pdf]
Von Neumann's Self-Reproducing Automata by Arthur Burks[pdf]
How Do simple programs Behave by Stephen Wolfram [html]
Stephen Wolfram : Articles on Cellular Automata [html]

Cellular Automata and the Architectonic Protocols :
The use of Cellular Automata to explore bottom up architectonic rules by Coates, Paul; Healy, N.; Lamb, C.; Voon, W.L. [pdf]
Metaphysics of Genetic Architecture and Computation by Karl Chu [pdf]



Evolution | Genetic Algorithms | Genetic Programming | EvoDevo
edited by:

Evolution :
Evolutionary Architecture by John Frazer [html]

Genetic Algorithms :
Gilles Deleuze and use of Genetic Algorithms by Manuel Delanda [pdf]
Aspects of Evolutionary Design by Computers by Peter Bentley [html]

Genetic Programming :
Exploring 3D design worlds using Lindenmeyer systems and Genetic Programming by Paul Coates [pdf]
Genetic Programming and Spatial Morphogenesis by Coates, Paul and Makris, Dimitrios [pdf]
The use of Genetic programing in Exploring 3D Design Worlds by Broughton, T.; Tan, A.; Coates, Paul [pdf]
The use of Genetic Programming for applications in the field of spatial composition by Coates, Paul S.; Hazarika, Luit [pdf]



Agents | Agent Based Models | Self-Organisation | Swarms | Stigmergy | Pattern 
edited by: mscacd

Swarming Architecture
/. Swarm Modelling: The use of Swarm Intelligence to generate Architectural Form. by Pablo Miranda [2000][pdf]
/. Swarm Architecture I by Kas Oosterhuis [html]
/. Swarm Urbanism by Neil Leach [pdf]
/. The Limits of Urban Simulation by Neil Leach & Manuel Delanda (interview) [pdf]

/. Volatile Formation in Log: Reclaim Resi[lience]stance by Roland Snooks [Drive]

Agency and Autonomy

Autonomy is ascribed to these  artificial  insects  because  it  is their  intrinsic  physical  structure,  adapted as it is to the sorts of environmental problem they are likely to meet, which enables them to act appropriately.   Unlike  traditional  robots,  their  behaviour  is  not directed by complex software  written  for  a  general-purpose  machine, imposed  on  their  bodies  by some alien (human) hand. Rather, they are specifically constructed to adapt to  the  particular  environment  they inhabit.” (Boden, 1993)

/. Autonomy and Artificiality by Margaret Boden [html]

/. The Age of the World Picture by Martin Heidegger [pdf]

Posthumanism and Agency

“Deleuze’s political agency in all its forms and expressions is primarily related to this other vision and perception, the act of perceiving the other, the actualisation of the virtual other. it is thus related to a sense of possibility which is never purely ours, an ability to act which can never fully own, an activity which requires a pause for the other to come, for the dice to be thrown once again and to affirm another fatal combination/connection beyond our will or powers. The primary agency for Deleuze then is passion and not action: the passion of being affected by the other, being effectuated  by it. Thus, the DeleuzoGuattarian work of reversing the hierarchy between activity-passivity, action-passion, vision-affection, clearly prioritises and emphasises characteristics that have been historically attributed to woman (as an incomplete and less human subject); hence, their privileging of the becoming-woman as the foundation of any conceivable political agency, able to initiate real change and transformation.” (Nigianni, 2010)

Networks, Swarms, Multitudes I by Eugene Thacker [html]
Networks, Swarms, Multitudes II by Eugene Thacker [html]
Pulse Demons by Eugene Thacker [html]

The Mangle of Practice: Agency and Emergence in the Sociology of Science by Andrew Pickering [pdf]
Becomig-woman by Breaking the Waves by Chrysanthi Nigianni [pdf]

Agent Based Modelling
Agent Based Modelling by Paul Coates [pdf]

Topological Approximations for Spatial Representations by Coates, Paul S.; Derix, Christian; Lau, T.; Parvin, T.; Puusepp, R. [pdf]

Phenomeno-logical garden: a work in morpho-logical process by Manuel Baez [pdf]

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