
This course focuses on programming as an aid to developing architectural designs at the conceptual level, rather than a means of generating production information. Programming offers architects a powerful new domain for generating shape and form, making design decisions and tracking the emergence of geometrical constructs. By using forward-looking technologies, it covers both evolutionary algorithms and simulation models taken from Artificial Life. The underlying theme is to connect the understanding of form and space in architecture, with the immanent processes of its creation.
The course introduces ways in which the computer can be used to explore and generate architectural design. It is founded on the notion that architectural outcomes can be seen as the result of dynamic processes; that three dimensional form can be described not just geometrically, in the conventional top down way, but as a set of rules derived from an analysis of the design problem, grounded in a different dynamical perspective. Since 1991 the programme has pioneered work in this expanding field, of generative modelling, and has developed a range of new tools for designers which are available for students to explore and extend. The use of Evolutionary Algorithms, Cellular Automata, Neural Networks, Diffusion and Reaction processes and other topics introduce students to formal models of emergence which are used to generate form and approach problems of spatial organisation.
A range of prominent specialist join the staff in presenting the latest research, which students then explore, learning to program algorithms within commercial CAD applications (such as Rhinoceros, AutoCAD and stand alone Integrated Development Environments such as Processing). This means that students gain a fundamental understanding of the design and operation of key generative approaches. The project based nature of the course allows students to explore and experiment with these ideas and develop their own approach to the subject in a practical way. Students are encouraged to develop their work for publication and presentation at international conferences.
Past students have become leaders in the field of Computational Architectural Design, and a number are currently researching at Ph.D level, and participate in regular research seminars and international research projects. Architecture students are also able to take part of the programme as a component of their Professional Diploma studies.
course structure
The MSc comprises two taught modules and a thesis. The modules engage students with the computer in both conceptual and practical ways and prepares them for focusing on their thesis which is a work of independent research in which the methods and concepts explored through the modules are put into practice.
Computer Aided Architecture:
Architecture and Programming: Tools, Principles, Theories & Practice
  • Introduction to Programming [Python, Processing, VBA and Netlogo]
  • Advanced Programming [Agent- Based Models, Cellular Automata, Evolutionary Algorithms, Artificial Neural Networks]
Programming Architecture:
  • Architecture, Computing and Systems: Theories, Philosophies & Practice
  • Architecture, Computing and Systems: Advance Practices
    career opportunities
    The integration of computational methodologies and techniques with architectural design practice is of ever-increasing importance. Architects equipped with these skills are increasingly in demand professionally in Architectural Practices and Research And Design Groups.
    One year full-time, two years part-time.
    start date
    introduction to programming and set of algorithms.
    Knowledge and understanding are developed through lectures devoted to aspects of programming, computer modelling simulation and architectural and urban design with each lecture accompanied by a seminar and seminar reading. There are programming tutorials and guidance for its architectural implementation at the end of each topic included in the component. Lectures are reinforced by guest lectures from practitioners, scripting.
    [Indicative list of topics]
    Multi-agent programming Simulation of dynamic process with Netlogo programming. - How to structure and write a program/code in Python language for Rhino, Procedural and Object Oriented Programming, Parallelism - Diffusion Algorithms and their architectural Implementation, Vector based algorithms and introduction to Agent Based Modelling as a means of exploring emergent formations.
    Spatial exploration with:
    Agent Based Models | Cellular Automata | Evolutionary Algorithm | Artificial Neural Nets

    Theories, Context & Practice
    Knowledge and understanding are developed through lectures devoted to theories, philosophies and practices of the interdisciplinary domain that emerges from the combination of Architecture, Computing and Complexity Theory. Through those lectures students are exposed to a group of concepts that becomes their armature to rethink architectural design methodologies and the role and ethos of the architect. Parallel to the lectures provided from the staff of the programme a series of Guest Lectures from Academics and Practitioners of relevant fields accompany and enhance the intellectual environment. Students are asked to form groups and lead seminar discussions on assigned concepts. Students give talks on their own research to reinforce the links between what they learn and what they can do with it.
    Architecture, Computing and Systems: Theories, Philosophies & Practice
    [Indicative list of topics]
    Principles of feedback, self-organization and emergence - Complexity theory, General systems theory and Dynamic Systems theory - Architecture as a Complex Dynamic Systems – Cognition and Perception of Space, history and current understanding - The History of the systems approach to morphology - Survey of artificial intelligence and artificial life - Survey of CAD research in Architecture and Urban Design.

    The thesis (10,000 - 12,000 words) is the culmination of the students’ work on the programme. Students choose a topic, covered in the course, to explore further in consultation with his or her tutor, and following group discussions on topics in the dissertation seminars.

    Students will be able to:
    ● focus their attention on an area of particular interest to them, in order to develop a
    specialised knowledge that can support them in their career;
    ● become familiar with the procedures and conventions of academic scholarship to add to the body of knowledge within the field of architecture gain experience in the compilation, ordering and interpretation of research, and the development of clear arguments;
    ● develop writing and presentational skills contribute to the development of research and advanced study within architecture and urban design.

    The Thesis is supported by regular Thesis seminars in which methodology and content are discussed in forum format at regular intervals.
    Intellectual skills are developed through a constant process of critical examination by the students of the programme material and of their own thinking. An increasing understanding of the complexities of the subject matter is acquired in parallel with an increasing understanding of themselves as learners and makers. However large the scale of the particular subject of enquiry, students are always encouraged to relate it to their own experience and work, as well as assessing it in its own right. These skills are developed through the forms of active learning in the programme: seminar discussions, one-to-one tutorials and written work.
    Practical skills are developed through the programming classes where students learn by doing, especially developing practical examples of ideas introduced in the lecture/ seminar sessions The research and writing seminars deal with finding information, organising a piece of written work, and quantitative vs. qualitative analysis Bibliographies both for the programme as a whole, and for each lecture series, are provided. A list of available libraries and reliable web sites is also issued. Thesis seminars are run throughout the second semester of the year.

    Past Students Thesis Titles:
    Towards an Integrated Application of Genetic Algorithm in Architectural Design.
    Walid N. M. Elsayed: 2011
    Enquiries on Phenomenal Architectural Systems.
    Julian Croxon: 2010
    Morphogenesis of Spatial Configuration.
    Gennaro Senatore: 2009
    Associative Spatial Networks in Architectural Design.
    John Harding: 2008
    Meta-Cognitive Mappings: Growing Neural Networks for Generative Urbanism.
    Phil Langley: 2007
    Evolving urban structures using computer optimisation techniques.
    Edward Finucane: 2006
    Growing Neural gas with Self-organising Topologies for Spatial Description.
    Tahmina Parvin: 2005
    10 Conversations with Space.
    Stefan Krakhofer: 2005.
    Human Perception and Space Classification.
    Mohamed Amine Benoudjit: 2004
    An Analysis of the Poly-dimensionality of Living.
    Tim Ireland: 2002
    Building a Synthetic Cognizer: The Use of Self-Organizing Mappings for Representing the Structure of Architectural Space.
    Christian Derix: 2001
    Generating Natural Space.
    Tom Appels: 2001
    Turtles, Swarms and the Emergence of Perception.
    Pablo Miranda Carranza - 2000